- 15+ years of experience in software engineering, 12+ years of professional front-end and back-end development;
- Highly skilled in performance analysis, issues investigation and fixing, good understanding of browsers and Node JS internals;
- Solid background in full software development cycle;
- Open source contribution, lecturer in "The Rolling Scopes School", "The Rolling Scopes" speaker, hackathons participant / organizer;
- Passionate about self-development;
Founding Software Engineer
Stacks | Amsterdam | 2024 - now
Building up the reimagined financial close, from scratch. Technology stack: Node.js, Next.js, PostgreSQL, shadcn, Google Cloud, Terraform.
- Setup development environment;
- Initial end-to-end design of the product;
- Team hiring;
Software Engineer
Plaid | Amsterdam | 2021 - 2024
Expanding Plaid features to EU & UK. Team of 8 engineers. Technology stack: Node.js, Go, MySQL.
- Feature / project tech lead;
- Features full stack implementation;
- Close communication with product managers, designers;
Software Engineer II / Senior Software Engineer
Uber | Amsterdam | 2019 - 2021
Building payments experience in the Web. Team of 9 engineers. Technology stack: JavaScript, Node.js, Fusion.js, React, Styletron, Baseweb.
- Key developer, feature / project tech lead;
- Participation in end-to-end design;
- Close communication with product owners;
- Driving projects development from Product document to post-rollout activities;
Chief Software Engineer
EPAM Systems | Amsterdam | 2016 - 2019
Building set-top box (STB) ("server"-side services + UI part hosted on STB). Team of 5 engineers. Technology stack: JavaScript, Node.js, WebSockets, mqtt, dbus, xmpp, unix.
- Software architect, Key developer;
- Participation in end-to-end design;
- Performance optimizations;
- Close communication with product owners and vendors;
Lead Software Engineer
EPAM Systems | Minsk | 2013 - 2016
Developing the UI part of STB. Team of 35 engineers. Technology stack: JavaScript, React, SASS, HTML.
- Software architect, Key developer;
- Feature owner
- Performance optimizations;
- Close communication with product owners and vendors;
Software Engineer
EPAM Systems | Minsk | 2013 - 2013
Blackberry 10 Webworks application. Team of 2 engineers. Technology stack: JavaScript, jQuery, BB10 WebWorks, HTML, CSS.
- Key developer;
- Performance optimizations;
Software Engineer
EPAM Systems | Minsk | 2011 - 2013
SPA with economic information. Team of 10 engineers. Technology stack: .NET (C#), ASP.NET, JavaScript, dojo, jQuery, SOAP, HTML, CSS.
- Developer;
- Cross-browser markup;
Pet projects
21/23 · · · Games for nerds
Architect, Developer, Product owner
21/23 is an organization of several developers that creates multiplayer real-time games with focus on education. Leading games: CSS QuickDraw, Lodash QuickDraw, WebSocket Challenge.
ov-reporter ·
Automate monthly created OV-chipcard reports. Includes Google Chrome extension and cli tool.